Welcome to Winery Tours SIL!

Thank You for visiting Winery Tours of Southern Illinois and Western Kentucky! We provide shuttle service into the Shawnee Hills Wine Region of Southern Illinois and to the various microbreweries and distilleries in Western Kentucky. Let us help you tailor a tour for your group! Wineries/breweries/distilleries are open year round during the week and week-ends with exciting festivals throughout the year and live music on week-ends. Our goal is to provide a fun, relaxing environment in which you can experience the distinctive flavors of the region.

The Shawnee Hills AVA (American Viticultural Area) encompasses an area 20mi. north to south and 80mi. between the Mississippi and the Ohio rivers and boasts two distinct wine trails–the Shawnee Hills Wine Trail and the Southern Illinois Wine TrailThe Southern Illinois Wine Region contains more than 20 wineries and 55 vineyards boasting award winning wines, fine dining, fun activities, art, music, plenty of rental cabins and b&bs, and the friendliest down-home folks to be found anywhere. Several of the wineries feature menues, or you may pack a picnic. Most charge a nominal tasting fee. (links below)

Paducah, right across the Ohio River, boasts it’s own winery (Purple Toad), two microbreweries (Dry Ground and Paducah Beer Werks),  and a distillery (The Silent Brigade) as well as the Arts District and many fine dinning options. (links below)

The basic tour lasts 5 hours and costs $280 for the Sweetheart tour (a couple), $380 for a minivan (groups of up to 6 people). Additional hours are charged at $40 an hour. There may be an extra charge depending on pick up location.

Wink Relax! Let us do the driving!

Tour the Region from the air!?!
Yes, you can! With helicopter rides starting at only $75 a person (with a minimum of 2 people required) Stevens Aircraft Solutions can provide you with a bird’s eye view and get you to your destination in style!

www.stevensaircraftsolutions.com  (not affiliated with Winery Tours of S Illinois)


Welcome to Katy-Lynn Distillery!

Katy-Lynn Distillery is well worth a visit. The owner/distiller is both a chemist and an artist. His and his wife’s passion for excellence is apparent in everything they put their hands to, and I expect to see creative, exciting things from them! Stop in and tell them, ‘Heidi says, “Hey!”‘. Katy-Lynn is located in Carbondale off Hwy 148 at 1801 Sneed 



CoolCheck out this link to find out more about things to do, places to visit, lodging, etc in the area; and also find downloadable maps:


Go to Wineaux’s at Cache River Basin Winery for a fine dinning experience. lunch or dinner, Friday through Saturday! The restaurant is available for rental for private parties during the week. They offer a full menu of the most excellent cuisine. Check it out on their site www.crbwinery.org

Cache River Basin Winery now also has cabins for rent!


Links to the wineries on the Southern Illinois Wine Trail (if your browser takes you to sites other than the wineries, try a different browser.)


www.crbwinery.org  (Cache River Basin Winery and Wineaux’s Restaurant)

Links to The Shawnee Hill Wine Trail

www.shawneewinetrail.com (information and links to the most of the following wineries)





www.peachbarn.com (Hedman Vineyards)










For more information on Illinois wine check the following site:


Links to Breweries/Distilleries/Winery in Paducah





check www.Paducah.travel for more exciting destination ideas!

also check on area Paducah area events by checking

